Database for your sustainability.

Companies are under increasing public pressure to meet their environmental responsibilities. In addition, not only customers demand a sensitive handling of this topic, but also employees, business partners and other stakeholder groups of your company.

Our analyzes help you to plan, implement and communicate your CSR measures.
All content is tailored to your individual needs.

Expectation Analysis

The expectation analysis is the ideal tool for companies that are in the strategy phase for their sustainable commitment.

It illuminates the expectations of different stakeholder groups and enables you to initiate appropriate initial communication.

  • Which thematic weighting is relevant for which stakeholder group?


  • ESG specifications/ SDGs: Which ones suit your company particularly well?


  • What expectations do your stakeholders have of the company now and in 5 or 10 years?



communication analysis

Your sustainable commitment will be implemented. But how do you design its communication appropriately? The different needs of stakeholder groups will require differences in content and media when addressing them.

The communication analysis leads to CSR communication that is appropriate to the addressee.


  • Which factors make the communication of sustainable commitment understandable and transparent for your stakeholders?


  • How should communication in the field of sustainability look like?


  • How and in which media should it be communicated?



Authenticity Analysis

In particular, this analysis examines the perception of external stakeholder groups such as customers and consumers.

The results are insights into the perceived consistency of the sustainable commitment to the company, its brand and services. But also which areas are missing from the perspective of stakeholders to increase authenticity.

  • Which of your sustainable actions, successes and goals are perceived by which target group and how?

  • How authentic is your sustainable commitment?

  • What content on the subject of sustainability is received by whom? Not with whom?

employee study

The long-term commitment of employers is extremely relevant for many employees and applicants.

Find out what the interests of the employees are in the various areas and age structures and how they can best be integrated.

  • How relevant is your commitment and your CSR communication for your employees?
  • Is CSR optimally integrated into applicant management?
  • How can the workforce
    CSR activities and get involved in communication?



market analysis

An overview of the activities of competitors and the market is also of strategic importance when it comes to sustainability.
The market analysis provides the relevant insights:

  • What are your competitors doing on the subject of sustainable commitment?

  • Are there innovative approaches that are also interesting for your company?

  • Which competitors are particularly active?

  • Which possible cooperation partners are there for your company?

  • Greenwashing check* of your company and communication


stakeholder dialogue

The stakeholder dialogue specified in the context of regular conversations with stakeholder groups, the external impact, expectations and other individually determined factors.

Customers, investors, employees or the public, each stakeholder group perceives the sustainable commitment of a company differently based on their own interests.
Each dialogue is adapted to the individual requirements and wishes of your company.
