For startups

  • Basic company profile
  • betteract scorecard
  • up to 6 registered projecte, products and services
  • Including video links
  • Including pictures
  • Links to job postings
  • Links to Social Networks
  • SEO optimized

For companies

  • Basic company profile
  • betteract scorecard
  • up to 12 registered projecte, products and services
  • Including video links
  • Including pictures
  • Links to job postings
  • Links to Social Networks
  • Link to sustainability report
  • SEO optimized

For companies

  • Premium company profile
  • betteract Scorecard Premium
  • Up to 24 registered projects, products and services
  • Including video links
  • Including pictures
  • Premium listing in the search
  • Links to job postings
  • Links to Social Networks
  • Link to sustainability report
  • SEO optimized
  • Questionnaire use for stakeholder survey
  • Login evaluation tool